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Day 6: Cards: Emperor and High Priestess

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Some have said that the vision ceased ere the fulfillment of the Dominion of Men; wherefore, though the Music is over all, the Valar have not seen as with sight the Later Ages.

Yet each Power hears Ilúvatar's Word, according to nature: Manwë heareth therefore as governor, and Námo as judge. Even Morgoth, even he heareth, though he understandeth according to his darkness...

With what ear did Nienna hear, when she rose singing before the Doors of Night, and cast them down, revealing the emptiness beyond? Even Námo knoweth but her words:

“Behold the glory of the Gifts of Men!”


Some have said that the vision ceased ere the fulfillment of the Dominion of Men; wherefore, though the Music is over all, the Valar have not seen as with sight the Later Ages. - The full quotation is:

“And some have said that the vision ceased ere the fulfillment of the Dominion of Men and the fading of the Firstborn; wherefore, though the Music is over all, the Valar have not see as with sight the Later Ages or the ending of the World” - “Ainulindalë,” The Silmarillion, 9. Reason for snips? Word count.


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