Day 16: Card: Death
Three questing souls stand in their fear
Hound and Man and Elven-kind
Walk Vairë's weaving, fate to find.
But Fate long hence had been arrayed
When Beren called, when Lúthien stayed
When to the Isle of Wolves she went
When in his arms, she did consent
And love for Beren did confess,
Eä changed when hearts cried, “Yes!”
No present word their choice amends
Eä trembles, history bends:
There's hope that Oath shall stand redeemed
In present flesh and novel being
That cuts lifelines to fit the fate
that, haply willed, cannot abate.
1.'“Thrice now I curse my oath to Thingol,” he said, “and I would that he had slain me in 'Menegroth, rather than I should bring you [Lúthien] under the shadow of Morgoth.”
'Then for the second time Huan spoke with words [...]: “From the shadow of death you can no longer save Lúthien, for by her love she is now subject to it. You can turn from your fate and lead her into exile, seeking peace in vain while your life lasts. But if you will not deny your doom, then either Lúthien, being forsaken, must assuredly die alone, or she must with you challenge the fate that les before you – hopeless, yet not certain”' - “Of Beren and Lúthien,” The Silmarillion, 217.
1.'“Thrice now I curse my oath to Thingol,” he said, “and I would that he had slain me in 'Menegroth, rather than I should bring you [Lúthien] under the shadow of Morgoth.”
'Then for the second time Huan spoke with words [...]: “From the shadow of death you can no longer save Lúthien, for by her love she is now subject to it. You can turn from your fate and lead her into exile, seeking peace in vain while your life lasts. But if you will not deny your doom, then either Lúthien, being forsaken, must assuredly die alone, or she must with you challenge the fate that les before you – hopeless, yet not certain”' - “Of Beren and Lúthien,” The Silmarillion, 217.