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Day 25: Card: The World

Thanks to Juno and Aranel for the challenge.


He dreams of the angel. She pours her tears over his head, and senses long dimmed rouse.

Light pains his eyes. Air burns in his throat, and the music – ! A grand, terrifying sweep, shifting, changing – no theme to set variations.

“It was not so,” he breathes, from the dim recesses of dark and ancient memory.

“Behold the glory of the Gifts of Men,” the angel answers. She kisses him, then remonstrates: “To the world that is our destiny, Brother, and make right lament.”

He wakes to the taste of salt, and the broken body. Revolted, he staggers from the alley, haunted by death, but then he sees him – in the street, hand upraised. Make right lament. He's threadbare in his being – I can't, I can't...!

The traffic cop startles when the grimy apparition falls at his feet in the intersection. “What the – ?”

“You must help. I...I've killed a woman!”


1. 150 words finishes Melkor's cycle.
2. All chapters save two are 100 word drabbles, and all four Fools made it to the end of their journeys, if sometimes out of order, depending on the card.

The cycles in internal chronological order are:

The Bolgeriad: The Fool (Dramatis Personae), The Magician (Smoke & Mirrors), Temperance (Into the Storm), The Lovers (Right Neighborly), The Hanged Man (Down-turvy Days), The Sun (New Day), When Archetypes Love (Caritas)

The Lúthien cycle: The Fool (Dramatis Personae), The Moon (The Veil), The High Priestesss (First Freedom), The Tower (Two Towers), Death (The Valley of the Shadow), When Archetypes Love (Caritas), Justice (Unbound).

The Lobeliad: The Fool (Dramatis Personae), The Empress (Southfarthing), The Wheel of Fortune (Stone Under Hill), Lust (Bag End), The Pope/Hierophant (Night Bloom), The Hermit (Old Growth), When Archetypes Love (Caritas), The Star (Hardbottle)

The Melkoriad: When Archetypes Love (Caritas), The Fool (Dramatis Personae), The Emperor (Apokatastasis Panton), When Archetypes Meet (Apokalypsis), The Chariot (Homoousios), When Archetypes Fight (Daimon), The Devil (Metaousiosis), The Angel (Mania), The World (Catharsis)


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