Day 9: Card: The Chariot
Outside totters a filthy wastrel – wild, naked... singing. Singing like a string-loose lute.
“'Tis plague,” someone says, turning to the old priest. “Send him hence, Father!”
Fear is on the air – the same fear, Father Jeremiah thinks, that fed betrayal long ago. Still, the souls of men are yoked to two horses, one black, one white, that strive ever against each other, and tonight he feels their striving. Long he stands listening, fates beyond his ken hanging in the balance, then:
“I will go out to him.”
1. Homoousios: "one in being" or "the same nature"
2. Still, the souls of men are yoked to two horses, one black, one white, that strive ever against each other - classic description borrowed from Plato's Phaedrus, 253d-255a
1. Homoousios: "one in being" or "the same nature"
2. Still, the souls of men are yoked to two horses, one black, one white, that strive ever against each other - classic description borrowed from Plato's Phaedrus, 253d-255a