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Forum Membership Application

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All these fields are required to process your application:

Validation Number: Right above the application form, at the end of the instructions, is a validation number.

It must be entered in the top field on the form, titled, Validation Number.

It is there to make it more difficult for spambots to join.

If your form is incomplete and needs editing, you will be given a new validation number, which must be entered again.

Your application will not be accepted without the correct validation number.

Account Name: This is the name you will use only to login.

You will not be able to change your account name later, so choose wisely.

It must different from your own name and forum name, AKA Handle, both of which you will be able to change yourself.

Account names must be at least 4 characters and less than 32 long,
and consist exclusively of letters and numbers, no spaces, punctuation marks or diacrits.

I am an adult: You must certify that you are an adult according to the laws where you live, or you will not be allowed to join.

Forum Handle: This is the name you will use to post on the forum.

Your E-mail: This is the address where we will send your password, and use to contact you if there is ever a problem with your account.

We will not give it out to anyone.

If it is not valid, you will not recieve your password.

Reason For Joining: We would like to know why you want to join our forum.
It doesn't have to be long, but it should make sense.
There is no right to join, we admit whom we please.

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Your Name is optional: However, it makes it easier for us to identify you if you are known to us already.
If you do not ever give it out, no problem. If everyone already knows it, please include it, as it makes our lives easier,

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When you submit your application to be an member of this forum, you are:

1) Giving us permission to publish the posts you make on our web site.

2) Agreeing to abide by the rules, behavior standards, and decisions made by the site administrators.

After you apply for membership, an administrator must process your application and issue a password,
so it may take a day or more before you recieve your password.

Those who operate this site are unpaid volunteers, who do their work here when they have the time.

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Because we have been getting a lot of spam, we now have a validation number
which you have to enter in order to apply for membership.

In the field marked Validation Number,
enter the first three numbers of, One, Two, Five, One, Eight, as a three place number.

TFF Forum Membership Application
Validation Number:
Account Name:
I Am An Adult:
Your Name:
Forum Handle:
Your E-Mail:
Reason For Joining:

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