Tolkien Fan Fiction
Tolkien Fan Fiction
Imhiriel's Drabbles
Midsummer Fair


The Steward's sons enjoy the delights of Midsummer Fair.

MEFAwards 2009: Nominee – Races: Men: Gondor Drabbles


The older boy points with sticky-looking fingers at my stand. The nurse, carrying the younger one, looks harried in the press of Midsummer Fair.

“Yes, Boromir, it’s a nice cake, but you already had one.”

“Faramir wants one, too, don’t you?”

The little one nods, a smile lighting up his earnest face.

“I don’t think Faramir is quite old enough to...” begins the nurse, but relents as Boromir looks at her beseechingly. “All right: one piece. You may finish what Faramir can’t manage.”

Both boys direct identical, incandescent smiles at their nurse and me, easing the strain of the day.



01.07.04 B-drabble for Ti’ana Lúthien, who wanted something happy with Boromir and Faramir together.