Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.
Apply For An Author Account

Who Can Apply For An Author Account:

In order to post stories on this site, you must be a member of the Henneth Annûn discussion group on, and agree to abide by our rules and regulations, current and future, and the rulings of the administrators who operate this site. If you are not a member of Henneth Annûn and would like to join, click the link below for the instructions.

Join Henneth Annûn

If You Already Have An Author Account:

Do not apply for a new one to gain access to the old account. That doesn't work. You should click the link below to contact site management and get a new password.

Contact Site Management

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Application Instructions:

Error Checking: The software in this application checks to make sure that all required fields are filled in, and that you are not using a name or email address that is already in use. If there are problems of that sort, it will give you an error message telling you what the problem is, and a button to click to go back and fix your application. When you go back, the same error message will be displayed above the form to remind you of what needs to fixed. It does not loose your data.

Data Fields:

Validation Number: Because spam is omnipresent on the Internet, we use a validation number on all our input forms to reduce the amount we recieve. The first field on the form is Validation Number. It is underlined to make sure you notice it. The instructions for it are the last thing in the instructions before you get to the application form.

Read and follow them. You cannot submit the form without the correct validation number.

Account Name: This is the name you will use to login. This is a required field. It is different from your own name and pen name. You will not be able to change this name without help from staff.

For security reasons, it is a good practice to have an account name that is different than your actual name or pen name.

Your account name must be at least three, but no more than thirty two characters long, and must be all letters and numbers, with no spaces or punctiuation marks. Diacrital marks are not allowed

Password: You can either enter the password you prefer or you can leave it blank. If you do not specify a password, we will assign a randomly generated one for you. It will be in the email we send you verifying your acceptance as an author on this site. Once you have a password and are in the author area, you can change your password to whatever you like.

Passwords must be at least four, but no more than thirty two characters long, and must be all letters and numbers, with no spaces or punctiuation marks. Diacrital marks are not allowed

Your Name: Giving us your actual name is optional, however, it makes it easier for us to identify you if you are known to us already. Also, it is useful if you have lost your password and forgot your account name and need to regain access to your account. If you do not ever give it out, no problem. If everyone already knows it, please include it as it makes our lives easier.

Pen Name: This is the name you publish stories as. This is a required field. It is how you are identified as the author of you work and is a search field in the library search feature.

Your Email: This is a required field. We will not give it out to anyone. This is the address where we will send your password and use to contact you if there is ever a problem with your account. If it is not valid, you will not recieve your password. Again, we will not give it out to anyone.

Henneth Annûn Name: This is the account name you use at Henneth Annûn. This is a required field. We need it to verify that you are a member before we send you your password.

Henneth Annûn Email: This is the e-mail you use at Henneth Annûn. This is a required field. We need it to verify that you are a member before we send you your password.

Yes - No Choices:

These are simple drop menus, they all are set to No when you open the page. To change them to Yes, click on the No, and when the Yes choice appears below, click on it.

Permission to publish: This gives us permissions to publish your work on this site. Without this being set to yes, your stories will not be displayed.

I am an adult: You must certify that you are an adult according to the laws where you live, or you will not be allowed to post stories with a rating greater than PG13.

Allow Blind Email Contact: This activates a link in your author profile that allows readers to contact you via email. It does not reveal your email address, because it sends the email from our server. Your email address would only be revealed if you chose to reply via email.

E-mail Me Reviews: This activates an automatic email program that notifies you if someone posts a review of one of your stories. It uses the address you entered in, Your Email, in the application.

Email Me Newsletter: We occasionally publish a newsletter on the site. Selecting this option will activate authomatically emailing you a copy of that newsletter. It too uses the address you entered in, Your Email, in this application.

Text Inputs:

Biographical Info: This is where you can talk about who you are, your life as a Tolkien fan, or whatever. This will appear in your public author profile.

Identifying Information: This is information we can use to verify that you are you, in case you have lost your logon information. It can be anything useful to prove you are you. The city and country you live in, your pet's name, your mother's middle name, etc. This is optional but highly recommended. It will not be shared with anyone, for any reason. Only site administrators with the right to work in the author section will have access to this information.

Application Notes: State why you wish to join, and Include anything else you wish to inform us of, like links to other stories you have published, or your affilliation with other Tolkien groups or websites.

This information will be discarded after we process your application and will never be published anywere.

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Filing Your Application:

After you apply, an administrator must process your application, so it may take as long as 24 hours before you recieve your password.

When you submit your application to be an author at this site, you are giving us permission to publish the stories you submit on our web site.

By joining, you are agreeing to abide by our rules and regulations, current and future, and the rulings of the administrators who operate this site.

If you change your mind later, please notify us, and we will remove your stories as quickly as possible.

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Spam Reduction:

Because we have been getting a lot of spam in our applications,
we now have a security number which you have to enter in order to join.

Read The Text Below Carefully Before You Fill Out The Form:

In the field marked Validation Number,
enter the middle three numbers of Zero, Eight, Five, Zero, Zero as a three place number.

Author Application
Validation Number:
Account (Logon) Name:
Your Name:
Pen Name:
Your Email:
Henneth Annûn Name:
Henneth Annûn Email:
Permission To Publish:
I Am An Adult:
Allow Blind Email Contact:
E-mail Me Reviews:
Email Me Newsletter:
Biographical Information:
Identifyng Information:
Application Notes:

Tolkien Characters, Locations, & Artifacts © Tolkien Estate & Designated Licensees - All Rights Reserved
Stories & Other Content © The Respective Authors - All Rights Reserved
Software & Design © 2003 - 2025 Michael G Kellner - All Rights Reserved