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![]() | All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history. |
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| Elf-root Erotica Rated:All Author:Soledad Bilbo Baggins is presumably dead, his belongings are going to be sold on an auction. When he unexpectedly returns, he brings more than just gold and silver back from the foreign lands. Story complete. Chapters:7 Words:23735 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:Oct 26,2008 Between Green Door and Gold Ring General Rated:Teens Serial Author:Larner To be a repository of Bilbo-centered stories set in the years before Frodo came to Hobbiton to become the heir to the Master of Bag End. Chapters:26 Words:31090 Reviews:3 Read Latest Review Updated:Jul 9,2016 The Farewell in Gondor General Rated:All Author:Larner AU--What if Frodo hadn't accompanied Sam, Merry, and Pippin back to the Shire--if the other Hobbits had become convinced it would be better he remain by Aragorn's side and had so convinced him? A look at how it MIGHT have played out.... Chapters:4 Words:16463 Reviews:0 Updated:Mar 4,2008 He who Would Have All Action Rated:Teens Author:Larner Lotho Sackville-Baggins, in the year 1390 S.R., is already much given to the Seven Deadly Sins. Chapters:1 Words:3313 Reviews:0 Updated:Jun 28,2007 Might Have Beens Action Rated:Teens Serial Author:Larner Finally, the collection of stories that might have been, had only one or two elements been changed. Chapters:11 Words:22954 Reviews:0 Updated:Feb 18,2014 Second Mum General Rated:Teens Author:Larner There were two Hobbitesses who considered Frodo Baggins their son. This is the story of the second mother. Chapters:13 Words:105626 Reviews:0 Updated:Jun 9,2007 Go Out in Joy Action Rated:Teens Author:Larner What might have happened if--if Frodo Baggins at the last moment decided not to go to Tol Eressea? How would he feel once he realized he'd not been as successful at hiding his physical and emotional deterioration as he'd thought? AU. Chapters:12 Words:60346 Reviews:0 Updated:Mar 18,2007 'Neath Anor, Ithil, and Gil General Rated:All Serial Author:Larner A second collection of short stories that will occur from time to time. Now full. Chapters:101 Words:152268 Reviews:2 Read Latest Review Updated:Sep 13,2010 The Blue Book of Bilbo Baggins, or, Tales of the Forbidden Silmarillion General Rated:Teens Serial Author:Gandalfs apprentice Tyellas's "Lost in the Translation" tells us that Bilbo made another book--one with a blue cover. What happened to this mysterious volume, and what was in it? ....you know you want to read it. AU. NEW: "Master Aelfwine Disposes"; "Notes from the Translator": in case you think this is not authentic. Thanks to Tyellas for allowing me to borrow the idea of the Blue Book from her superb story, and thanks to oshun for all her help. Special thanks to Maeve Riannon and greywing for their contributions. Chapters:8 Words:7996 Reviews:9 Read Latest Review Updated:Mar 7,2007 Sundry Drabbles General Rated:All Serial Author:Gandalfs apprentice A miscellany of wizards and horses, eagles and Elves, compiled of all drabbles that don't fit anywhere else. NEW: "Love Story," Bilbo critiques a theater piece; "Bears with Honey," marriage the Beorning style Chapters:8 Words:1043 Reviews:0 Updated:Aug 16,2006 Crossing towards Sunrise Action Rated:All Author:Imhiriel The Ringbearers depart Middle-earth, on a voyage over the ocean rightly called the Sundering Seas. One among them leaves behind his three children, to an unknown fate. What awaits him at the ship’s destination is equally unknown. After a cruel parting half a millennium ago, will there be more heartbreak at the end of his journey? Or can he hope for a joyful reunion with his beloved in the Blessed Realm? MEFAwards 2007: 2nd Place – Times: Fourth Age and Beyond: General
Flooding and Glamours Action Rated:Teens Author:Larner A Took remembers the first visit he had with a Baggins family, and reflects on the nature of glamours. Chapters:3 Words:13847 Reviews:0 Updated:May 5,2006 Surprise General Rated:All Author:sivan325 The warm sequel of “White Blanket”. Estel felt that his adar had left him, and he get his surprise, and he found that he is not alone. NOW COMPLETED Chapters:2 Words:3170 Reviews:0 Updated:Jan 30,2006 Astonishment in Mirkwood General Rated:All Author:Soledad What, exactly, was Legolas doing during the events described in "The Hobbit"? This is one possible answer and part of my Mirkwood story arc. First posted to FF.Net in the late 2002. Chapters:5 Words:17492 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:Jan 28,2006 The Joys of a Beard Erotica Rated:Adult Serial Author:Soledad All Mary Sues/Tenth Walkers pursue Legolas. Or Aragorn. Or Boromir. Or one of the cute hobbits. That had to change. So I have changed it. Chapters:13 Words:34448 Reviews:13 Read Latest Review Page: 1 2 Updated:Oct 27,2005 The Price of Growing Older General Rated:All Author:Vistula the Dunadan A nine-year-old Sam is running away from home and Frodo has the dubious task of figuring out a way to stop him. This short fic is a gap filler moment between a young Samwise and a tweenish Frodo, set not long after Frodo comes to live with Bilbo at Bag End. This is the second in my “Little Samwise” series of fics, and follows Sam I Am Chapters:1 Words:7072 Reviews:5 Read Latest Review Updated:Sep 25,2005 Fostering General Rated:All Author:Larner Three were intended to embody the hopes of not only the Dúnedain, but the hopes and needs of all the Free Peoples (and those who wished to know freedom) in all of Middle Earth. But when the Lady Gilraen lost two of her three sons, where would the lost ones be born, and who would be the one to prepare then to face the needs of the rest of Middle Earth? Based on a Nuzgul set loose in the nursery by Harrowcat. Chapters:7 Words:22297 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:Jul 19,2005 Drabbles on Hobbits; a Generous Bakers' Dozen Action Rated:All Author:Ruby Nye Here are fourteen drabbles, all more-or-less concerning hobbits. Chapters:14 Words:1468 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:May 27,2005 Many Guises and Many Names General Rated:All Serial Author:Gandalfs apprentice A collection of small stories and drabbles about Aragorn and the influences on and of his life. NEW: "The King's Dagger": a farm wife confronts a threat. The stories are arranged in order as they would fall in Aragorn's lifetime. "Pipeweed," "Hobbits and Husbands," and "King's Man," all posted as separate stories, are part of this series as well. Chapters:21 Words:5589 Reviews:5 Read Latest Review Updated:Aug 29,2006 The Widow of Withywindle General Rated:All Author:Vistula the Dunadan A young Merry and Sam ask Frodo for a story. One of them gets more than he bargained for. Chapters:1 Words:4308 Reviews:1 Read Latest Review Updated:Mar 31,2005 |
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