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January 25,2022

The Author Section Is Open

By: Mike

The author section of this site is back and open for posting new stories.

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The author section of this site is back and open for posting new stories. Existing accounts can be reactivated and new ones issued.

I know, it is a lot later than I promised. It took a long time, because unlike the library, I wasn’t just making it work with a four generation newer version of the language, I was redesigning the story editing system and its support features to make them the best they could be. And, the holiday season ate a lot of my time.

I am pleased with the result. It is much more user friendly, and I spent a lot of time writing a much better set of instructions. That should make it easier for people to understand how the system works.

Returning authors are going to need to have a new password issued to them. There is a new and more secure password system, and your old password will not work. You can still have your old password, but it needs to be entered into the system again. Because we have always encrypted passwords before we stored them, there is no way to know what your old one was unless you wrote it down and saved it somewhere.

Returning authors can contact me via our Contact Page: Click on Contact in the left hand menu on the home page, then on Mike, which is highlighted on lavender.

New authors will need to fill out and submit the new application form, and then I will issue a password. If you are a new author, you should click on and read several links in the left hand menu of the home page or library. They are Rules & Policies, Ratings Guide, FAQ, and Join. The first three explain our standards and rules, the last contains the instructions on how to join. Please read the first three before you decide to join.

Now that the core features have been brought up to date, I can work on less important things that were set aside while I refurbished the library and author sections. Many are small items; for example, I know that the counter that displays total stories read on the front page is stuck on 284,000. It was that way before the site was taken down in 2018, and wasn’t a high priority as I rebuilt the core features. Many other things that are less obvious are in my to do list. They will be addressed at a more leisurely pace, I have worked quite hard on this since July 2020, and did as much work as I could each day since I opened the library in July 2021 to push this part of the project over the finish line. I need a rest.

Since reopening, I have been pleased with the traffic we are getting. Since August last year, we have had between 450 and 700 unique visitors per month and they have been averaging over 3 visits per month each and downloading 3 to 4 pages per visit, with a few who are coming here often and reading quite a bit. For a small site, that is what success looks like. If you post your stories here, people will read them. I expect the traffic to increase as word gets out that it is back on line.

Not much else to say at this point. There will be another news letter when there is news to report.

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