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July 3,2023

The Forum Is Open or We Have A Forum?

By: Mike

I know it took as lot longer than I expected. Read the newsletter for the rest of the story.

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I started to write all that has happened in the last eight months, and it quickly turned into a novella concerning events that while, of great import to me as they happened, were actually quite boring when viewed from the outside. I realized my time was better spent working on the project.

The short version is, everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Murphy was an optimist.

There was a lot more to do than I estimated when I wrote the last newsletter, and it took longer than I expected. On top of that, the holiday season, and family issues added to the delay.

The forum is open to the public in it’s most simple form. It is nearly all new software. It was easier to do everything over, the right way, than to fix outdated and hastily written code from 2005. I concentrated on building a reliable simple design that will be easy to maintain and improve as time goes by. Nice features will get added as I get around to it.

The next task will be to write instructions. Always a long and tedious job, that adds no actual features, but makes it easy for new members to figure out how things work. I have put up a support forum where members can ask how to do things, and my answers will provide a rudimentary instruction manual and first draft of the finished instructions.

After that, I have a do list a mile long. It will always be a work in progress.

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