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Reviews: The Vault of the Dead
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The Vault of the Dead
[11] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:finch Date:03/24/12

Google is your friend: though I couldn't find this at (?!?), I managed to find it here. This is really impressive: you take lots of stuff abandoned by Tolkien and seamlessly transplant it to a much later stage of his world-building. With as added bonus a nice touch of subversivity - of which the earlier versions contain some seeds that, unfortunately, were removed at a later stage.

Morwê cut an impressive figure, old and frail though he was, and I'm glad to have made his acquaintance. The same goes for the dissenting Valar (though, to be a bit subversive myself, I'm not sure whether anyone but the One would have had the power to seal their voluntary withdrawal from the Song, if every theme truly has its source in him).

Finally, the closure of the love story of Boromir and Elladan was very moving. Thanks for a beautiful story.

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[12] The Vault of the Dead by:Soledad
Reviewer:finch Date:03/24/12

Google was my friend and helped me find your story here when I couldn't find it at

The longer review I just wrote was eaten by the site because it had taken me too long to write it, so this will be a bit shorter.
I'm very impressed by your world-building, your knowledge of Tolkien's earlier texts, your challenging of some of his ideas and many of your characters, notably Morwê and the dissenting Valar. And finally, the closure of Boromir's and Elladan's love story was very moving. Thank you!

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