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Reviews: Kin-Strife
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[1] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:jillian Date:08/02/04

Well! I actually read this over at HA but decided to review here. Another marvellous story.

Imrahil really was a wild lad, wasn't he?And not afraid to try anthing once. Mind you, as you show, such an attitude can be near to fatal!

I really enjoyed the story, but is that it? Is the slash scene the finish, or can we expect more?

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[2] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:jillian Date:08/03/04

Oh, dear! Poor Imrahil. Indeed an embarressing way to meet 'Throngil'.

One of his visions, no doubt. I wonder, will he remember that years later at the end of the ring war?

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[3] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:jillian Date:08/09/04

Ah, lovely. They've repaired the friendship!

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[4] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:jillian Date:08/11/04

I too think Denethor was nosing around, for information on Throngil of course! I do believe Denethor is suspicious as to who this mysterious captain really is.

And he did cause Imri's vision, and I'd like to spank him with a cat o'nine tails!

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[5] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:sheraiah Date:08/12/04


I'm so very impressed with the quality of your writing. At the risk of sounding like a fangirl geek, and I will admit to being a geek, after reading this I went through and read all your other stories both here and at HASA. Excellent, all of them. Andrahar has quickly become among my favorite OCs with Hethlin following very closely behind. I also adore your portrayal of Elrohir, and I'm very picky where it comes to my favorite elves. Imrahil is also very well handled in your stories. Very well done, my dear! I can't wait for the rest of this one.

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[6] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:Raksha The Demon Date:08/16/04

Count me as Andra's biggest fan, or at least one of them.

Great chapter! Loved Andra strong-arming the healer, and threatening Thorongil if Imrahil died because ol' Eagle-Star refused to help him when it was within his power. Thorongil is well characterized too; increasing my desire for a Thorongil-Andrahar adventure, and a post-Pelennor Aragorn/Andrahar meeting.

More, please!

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[7] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:Soledad Date:08/28/04

Great chapter again, Isabeau. It was even more exciting than I hoped for it. :)

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[8] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:Radbooks Date:03/22/06

So nice to see an update on Kinstrife! Of course the fact that it had a lot of Aragorn in it was an added bonus for me. :)

I liked that Imrahil saw in his time 'away' who Thorongil really was and that he carried that with him all of those years. It must have been hard at times, when Denethor was being such so difficult to know that somewhere there was a king who could be there to take his place.

The talk that Aragorn and Imrahil had was interesting and sad at the same time because I know that Imra didn't follow his advice because 10 years later he is still messing around. Perhaps not in the same ways, but risking his life in battle. Aragorn asking forgiveness when he realized that he had overstepped himself was appropriate. It really wasn't his place to say those things, even if it was true! :)

But I did like the fact that Imra wanted to swear his oath of loyalty to Aragorn... that he was willing to do that and Aragorn saying he could be the first to swear that oath if it ever came to pass just touched me for some reason. Who knows why certain things do? ;)

Makes me nervous about Imrahil's vision about someone bleeding in Umbar and yet Aragorn is going because he knows he needs to go!

It makes me sad when I read this story and see the friendship between Aragorn and Andra and see what it comes to in Silver Swan. It's too bad.

Anyway, great chapter and thanks for sharing, Isabeau.

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[9] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:Denise Date:03/22/06

CH. 12: And then, since that was rather an excess of maturity for one day, he slipped into his tiny cabin for a drink of the brandy he’d smuggled on board and a nap.

LOL - yes, that's totally in character (at least right now)!

I thought you did an excellent job of keeping Imrahil a rather spoiled 20-year-old, dealing with jealousy, his fear when lost in the visions and his insecurities. It's difficult to keep in mind that he went through this rake-hell youth, when you are used to reading about him as a mature and talented Prince at the time of the Ring War. Even the travails he just endured were not enough to tame our rogue Prince, though like Radbooks I think it’s very sad that he ended up still fighting his insecurities so many years later. Imrahil’s desire to swear an oath to Aragorn now, made very poignant a recollection that Andrahar had in Last Rites – that “Imrahil had knelt joyfully before Aragorn upon the Pelennor Fields, eager to be the first to offer his fealty.”

So many other rich parts make up this marvelous chapter: Tirathiel and Denethor’s chess matches and rumored one-time romance, Denethor and Thorongil’s verbal sparring, and Imrahil’s reflections on women, among others. You fit so many details into every chapter, and all of them a consistent part of the overall tapestry of not only this story, but all the others in the Unabeauverse. Thanks for continuing this one!

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[10] Kin-Strife by:Isabeau
Reviewer:Imhiriel Date:03/23/06

Chapter 12

I admit, first I was rather taken aback. I felt that Imrahil receives the revelations of his vision rather too subdued. My thought was that even the _possibility_ of a king after a millenium would surely raise more excitement than the rather petty, and, yes, immature as you say, jealousy towards Andrahar that is actually depicted.

But the conversation later on was... deeply moving, chilling, relevant, and so full of spoken and unspoken dreams and fears and hopes. It reconciled me to the first part.

I think that, seen thus, the chapter portrays very well those two sides of Imrahil Andrahar has spoken of: the rash one, and the one one with great promise.

Like Radbooks, I, too, was very touched by Imrahil's immediate desire to swear fealty and Aragorn's answer.

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