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Reviews: The Bed They Make
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The Bed They Make
[1] The Bed They Make by:Dwimordene
Reviewer:Isabeau Date:01/04/11

Thank you for these! What a great way to start a new year!

Originally, I had wondered if I could make Imrahil's refusal to have a sexual relationship with Andra work, if he did in fact enjoy it. And that reasoning, as well as the fact that I'd just never seen a less-than-successful male/male account written caused me to write Kin-Strife the way I did. But you manage to make it work. Slut-puppy Imrahil is in his full glory here. And there is not that much difference between the Imrahil of Kin-Strife and the one in Ultimatums, at least as far as his relationship with Andra goes. That works for me.

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[2] The Bed They Make by:Dwimordene
Reviewer:Denise Date:03/02/13

I am too invested a Heth/Imri shipper to actually wish these scenarios true - although I love Andrahar dearly, and find his piecemeal happiness in the Dwunabeauverse forms a constant undercurrent of grief for me. But you are the kind of writer that makes the hopefully-not-plausible come alive. I think you capture their relationship so well and consistently, in any situation. In particular, I love the section in chapter 4 where Andrahar opens himself up to Imrahil and talks in more detail about his past, and how Imrahil is helping to effect healing for him. That scene is amazing: Andrahar's vulnerability taps right into my own core vulnerabilities. I know that Andrahar and Boromir have a different dynamic, but I deeply hope that the same scene happened between them in non-AU 'verse. Thanks for taking on the challenge and continuing to expand my appreciation for the bond Imri and Andra share.

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[3] The Bed They Make by:Dwimordene
Reviewer:Isabeau Date:03/02/13

As I told you privately, I loved the multi-tasking Imrahil and Andra achieve here-passion and politics at the same time. Of all three sections, I have to say that this one is my favorite. You managed an AU that doesn't violate my inner head-cannon of their friendship at all-and is delightfully smutty as well as emotionally revealing.

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