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Reviews: Lothíriel - Book 1
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Lothíriel - Book 1
[1] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:talis Date:01/15/05

Your serial is absolutely beautiful and moving. I did not think, upon initally reading the premise, that the concept would work, but have been convinced otherwise with every chapter.

I impatiently await the remaining chapters.


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[2] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:ilmare Date:01/31/05

I have to say i was greatly disappointed with this story. The character is a mary-sue.

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[3] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:AM Date:02/21/05

Just to say how much I'm enjoying this.

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[4] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:Molly Littlefoot Date:03/12/05

Sorry it took me so long to start this! This is turning out to be wonderfully engaging! No wonder the Big Black Thing swallowed you!(grin) You must be more careful next time, but then the story wouldn't be so marvelous!

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[5] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:AM Date:03/24/05

Very well done. Do we get to see the rest of her/their life?

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[6] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:Penny Date:04/07/05

I love your description of the approaching thunderstorm and the rainbow swirling in the air before Lothiriel! My friend Chris, who beta'd your story, told me how good it was and I'm so glad I started reading it! I look forward to reading the rest of what you've written so far!

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[7] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:digdigil Date:07/14/05

I have been reading Lothiriel, and shall I tell you how much I love it? "Let me count the ways".

1. Sometimes when one is reading Tolkien it is difficult to understand what he is saying because his language is rather archaic to us. This is in no way a criticism of his writing, but because LOTR et al were written, or started by him, almot 90 years ago (1917 wasn't it?) people simply did not speak in the same way that we do now. In Lothiriel, your description of the heroes' travelling, and the places where the Fellowship stop along the say, really became clear for me, and I felt involved in the journey much more so than in the actual Tolkien books (although, of course, I love them).

2. I mentioned the language before, but this is another dilemma when writing Tolkien fanfic. Does one try to write in the language of Tolkien? It is an extremely difficult task to set for oneself because, again, we don't talk that way anymore. So to bring the characters more into Lothiriel's frame of reference as far as their language, and customs, etc., is the only way to go as far as I'm concerned, because of the clarity for the reader.

3. The relationship between Lothiriel and Glorfindel is incredibly beautiful; the mentor and his student, but so much more is beneath the surface. It is hard to imagine what Elves would really be like if they were part of our world and could be a part of our lives. Glorfindel and Lothiriel have bonded in an exquisite way, and the idea that he is always in her head even though they will never physically meet again is a joy to read about.

4. Lothiriel's and Boromir's relationship is beautiful also, and no less because it is in such contrast to the one between Lothy and Glorfindel. This points out really well the difference between men and Elves as far as their relationship is with humans. And the description of the sex between them was wonderful. Lothiriel gave him a great gift, didn't she? Before he died. She knew he was going to die and she gave him something pleasurable in his last few days, that was not calculated on her part. I believe that what happened between them just happened naturally and was an organic thing, not at all planned by her ahead of time. It is beautifully written; just as it would happen in real life between a man and woman in a new relationship.

5. Galadriel. I have such a love-hate relationship with Tolkien's Galadriel. On the one hand, I see her as cold. Her treatment of the dear, sweet, doomed Frodo in LOTR seemed callous; yet I also see her as an earth mother, and not at all as remote as some of the other Elves seem. I love the way you have portrayed her as almost alien, yet warm and kind, and that's a great way to get both of those qualities out in her.

I am only on Book 1, Chapter 23 right now, so I have a way to go until I finish, but here are some of my favourite parts so far, and why I love them.

Ch. 3: When the older woman finds Lothy sleeping out in the open and invites her for breakfast, I loved the description of the food. It puts you right there in the story with her, and then makes you want to go and make yourself a cup of tea or coffee and maybe some cake, and then go settle down to read some more of the book.

CH. 6: When Lothy involves herself for the first time in the events of the story, it is not without a lot of angsty reflection on the chaos theory, and it happens during the first really scary part of LOTR for me; when Frodo accidentally puts on the Ring for the first time. Because we've all been waiting for this moment, wondering what will happen when he does. Your treatment of this was brilliant. You had to mention it, of course, because it is such a pivotal moment, but to change it the way you did into seeing it from Lothy's POV was awesome. And you put in your own element of mystery - what was it that hit her back??? Oh wait - yes, of course! For a second, though, the reader is lost in the story as if it is a completely original one! Brilliant!

CH.11: I've already said how much I love the relationship Lothy has with Glorfindel, so I won't repeat myself. But also the Council of Elrond from Lothy's POV was extremely exciting to read. What was her take going to be on all the different people there? I looked forward to reading this chapter with great anticipation and you did not disappoint me! I wanted everyone to look slightly different that what they did in the movie (not that there was anything wrong with anyone in the movie!) but it's more interesting when a new version that you're reading is fresh and new in that respect.

CH. 13: The description of the travelling is wonderful, because I really do want to know exactly how it is to walk for days on end, ration food, worrying about washing, going to the toilet, etc., and for me, these parts were amusing and most informative.

CH. 14 & 15: Ah, Moria! Personally, I love Moria, and if anything, I wanted more of it. But for the purposes of your story, it was fine. And you put in my favourite part, where Legolas and Gimli both repeat what Gandalf had read from the book.

"We cannot get out".

"They are coming".

How I regretted that those lines were not in the movie!!!

CH. 17: I love it that Lothy, because of her legal knowledge, was able to convince Haldir to blindfold everyone in order to walk along the silver ropes across the river. I love the tension between Lothy and Aragorn, who is so upset with her. By the way, this tension is always there throughout the story, and it is delicious! I have to stop myself from crying out, "Tell him! Tell him, Lothy! Tell him!" But the best part of it for me was when she kept feeling a jolt of desire when she would stumble and bump into Boromir who was walking behind her. (Now what woman wouldn't feel a jolt of desire from bumping into Boromir?)

CH. 19: The description of the naked Elves is as I'd always imagined them. Hairless, and perfect in form. I laughed when Boromir had to spend a long time under the waterfall. I loved the way you humanized Boromir so well; you made him a flesh and blood man with true feelings, and then turned him into such a devil in CH. 22.

Anyway, I could go on and on, and then this review would be as long as your book!

Keep writing, and I'll keep reading!

Love, Digdigil (my pen name, and not Ed Lennox, which comes up because I use my husband's E-mail.)

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[8] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:Jen Date:01/14/07

I'm going to make an attempt to answer some of your questions below, but I wanted to issue a blanket "I loved it!" before I start. I am typically very wary of reading 10th Walker stories, but yours exemplified everything I love about the genre. I liked that you demonstrated how adding a character can change the story, but in subtle ways.

Now, your questions:
• What do you think of the original characters in my story? Do you like them or not? Why? Are they “rounded” characters or do they stay “flat”?

I love Lothiriel! She seems like a real person I might meet some time, not at all like a created character. I also like the characters of Imrahil's sons (even though I guess technically they are canon characters).

• What do you think of my presentation of canon characters? Are they in character? Believable? Interesting? Or mere repetitions of the original?

Thank you so much for not making Boromir an unlikeable jerk all the time. Your treatment of him as a genuinely good person who is corrupted by evil beyond his control seems much more faithful to Tolkien than many I've read. I also enjoyed that each of the other 9 Walkers was given a personality, the Hobbits didn't feel interchangeable, Gimli wasn't just comic relief, Aragorn wasn't always perfect, etc. Also, I love your Eowyn.

• Did you read every chapter/part of my story? If not, which ones did you skip? Why?

Yes, I'm not a chapter skipper, plus I was so interested I didn't want to miss anything!

• Did you read any chapter/part of my story more than once? Which one? Why?

Not yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if I reread this at some point

• Which chapter/scene did you like most of all/least of all? Why?

I loved the interaction between Galadriel and Lothy because it felt very in character for both of them, and it moved the story along nicely.
The only point where I ever felt bored or impatient was the description of the ride from the stone to the fortress to deliver the message to Imrahil, but I think that was because I was so anxious to know what happened!

• What do you think about the plot of the story? Was it balanced? Boring? Were some turns surprising? Which ones? Why?

It seemed balanced to me. One of the things I appreciated about the pacing was that the really actiony moments were balanced by quieter scenes, but neither felt extraneous. The quiet scenes moved the story forward as well as the battle scenese.

• Did the story make you cry? At which point? Why?

I skipped a few of the questions above this one, but I wanted to say the chapters dealing with Boromir's death made me sniffle a bit while reading. I was pretty sure he had to die, but I was wanting Lothiriel to save him all the same.

Thanks for a lovely reading experience.

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[9] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:srk Date:01/24/08

I really enjoyed this story, your style of writing is very different and refreshing to read - kind of stream-of-consciouses like. The only part I absolutely HATED was the stuff with Boromir- it was too weird and unrealistic that she had a relationship with him. I would have preferred to see them as just friends. But I LOVED the rest. You described the good and the bad about living in Middle Earth; loved the stuff about her having to relieve herself in the beginning of the journey - it made the journey seem much more realistic. Keep up the good work!

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[10] Lothíriel - Book 1 by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:Me Date:05/13/08

Hi Juno Magic,

I loved your story it kept me interested and I enjoyed your character.

• Why did you start reading the story? How did you find it?

I found it under this site- I was looking in the library sections for stories that contained the character Haldir.

• What do you think of the original characters in my story? Do you like them or not? Why? Are they “rounded” characters or do they stay “flat”?

I enjoyed your character and adding original characters added depth to the story. They were so well rounded that it was believable that I could see them continuing their lives after they had passed your pages.

• What do you think of my presentation of canon characters? Are they in character? Believable? Interesting? Or mere repetitions of the original?

I liked the elf that was a teacher; this was an interesting perspective as it is interesting to see the functional side of the city.

• Did you read every chapter/part of my story? If not, which ones did you skip? Why?

I read all of it- I just had to find out what happened 

• Did you read any chapter/part of my story more than once? Which one? Why?

I just read straight through.

• Which chapter/scene did you like most of all/least of all? Why?

I liked the first chapter because it gives a good background to the main character and makes the reader more empathetic and able o understand her reasoning.

• What do you think about the plot of the story? Was it balanced? Boring? Were some turns surprising? Which ones? Why?

I like the plot of the story, especially where there is a modern view on the way of life in Middle Earth, the bits on Elves and periods is interesting because as a reader you have to wonder about these things. I also liked how the plot started off with the Fellowship then moved into a more original story line.

• Do you like the descriptions I have in my story? Do they add to the atmosphere or are they boring?

I liked the descriptions of the forests and of the landscapes, they are nicely worded.

• What would you like to know more about?

More on the division of men and women, what does your character do when faced with a sexist decision- does she stand up for herself and others?

Overall I really enjoyed your story, please keep of writing as I’m waiting to read more of your work.


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