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Reviews: Shadow and Thought
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Shadow and Thought
by:Linda Hoyland
[1] Shadow and Thought by:Linda Hoyland
Reviewer:nancylea57 Date:10/23/08

linda, i don't know that the review i wrote last night got through as my carrier went down right at the send button.

recap goes something like this , this is the chapter i see the most revision in and i'm not sure why but it seems very un-linda-like; almost as if there is an overlosd of foreshadowing or a uncomfortableness with the dialog between aragorn and eowyn.

overall i think the story is basically the same, maybe a touch more revealing as to burden but not as comfortable as normally you.

burden seems to leave little doorways of hints about the next story, what will be happening, how things will add up because we know for instance that aragorn likes to have the tree embroidered on his drawers. there it is worked in humorously and smoothly; here the hint about mud baths seems forced and uneven.

i'm sorry this seems to be more negative then i would normally leave a review but you seemed to be asking us for input into these changes and i'm sure you will find your style and get it ironed out well. n.

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