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Reviews: The Exercise of Vital Powers
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The Exercise of Vital Powers
[1] The Exercise of Vital Powers by:Soledad
Reviewer:just_ann_now Date:07/25/10

I can't believe I'm the first person to review this story - but maybe I can; Thorongil, after all, is just as successful and popular in seducing readers as he is in stealing the hearts of the good people of Gondor. What I really love about this is your Finduilas - not a shrinking violet, or a sweet-natured dullard, but a tigress, both politically astute and fiercely protective of her mate and the role he must fulfill for the future of Gondor.

I particularly loved: "My feeling tells me that you will have some part in the deaths of both my husband and my son, if not now, then in the future. Your are a danger for my family, and I want that danger removed.” How awesome to see Thorongil blindside by a woman! Of course Tolkien, bless his heart, would never even have imagined such a scenario. I'm glad we have writers like you to fill in the gaps.

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