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Reviews: Three Bottles of Dwarvish Whisky
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Three Bottles of Dwarvish Whisky
[1] Three Bottles of Dwarvish Whisky by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:Lyn Date:04/02/06

Well done!

As for King Elessar's death, it was a public
as opposed to a private death. He did not
die of "natural" causes but CHOSE the time
of his death, preferring to pass on while still
in full possession of his faculties (mind) and
with some strength of body. I never thought about it being odd he would lay down in the
tombs as they would have moved him there anyway. The whole thing about being Numenorean made him different from other men.
It certainly made his death different from
that of other men who could NOT choose the
time of their death (except by suicide, but that is not what Aragorn's death was). He
simply willed himself to be taken. The impression I had was that it took little time for him to actually die once he was there,
as opposed to a normal man starving himself
(takes weeks to do so). distracted here. Meant to really thank you for a most entertaining
tale of Gimli and friends in the bar. Well

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[2] Three Bottles of Dwarvish Whisky by:JunoMagic
Reviewer:Lyn Date:04/02/06

Well done!

As for King Elessar's death, it was a public
as opposed to a private death. He did not
die of "natural" causes but CHOSE the time
of his death, preferring to pass on while still
in full possession of his faculties (mind) and
with some strength of body. I never thought about it being odd he would lay down in the
tombs as they would have moved him there anyway. The whole thing about being Numenorean made him different from other men.
It certainly made his death different from
that of other men who could NOT choose the
time of their death (except by suicide, but that is not what Aragorn's death was). He
simply willed himself to be taken. The impression I had was that it took little time for him to actually die once he was there,
as opposed to a normal man starving himself
(takes weeks to do so). distracted here. Meant to really thank you for a most entertaining
tale of Gimli and friends in the bar. Well

Report this review, 3204, for abuse of site guidelines.

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