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Reviews: Luck From the Ashes
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Luck From the Ashes
[1] Luck From the Ashes by:Raksha06
Reviewer:Radbooks Date:11/28/06

Two of my favorite characters in one story, you can't get much better than that... and cats are a bonus. :)

I enjoyed seeing Faramir spring into action to defend his king from whatever was lurking in the shadows, it probably made it easier for him to go into that area - even though I'm sure he never would have admitted it. Faramir had to be uneasy about returning there.

The conversation between the king and steward was perfect - still a few rough spots where they aren't quite sure of each other yet as new acquaintances would be. But then working through it and getting to a level where they can tease each other a bit. I especially loved the teasing about the 'biggest, strongest kitten' - very clever.

Very nicely done!!

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