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Beware the Sea
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Aragorn would lead us to the Mouths of Anduin and the Sea. Galadriel's warning echoed in my ears: she spoke my doom if ever I heard the gulls' cry. My heart trembled. But if Halbarad did not fear death, why should I? I am an elf, and we endure until Arda fails.

If only it was death that awaited me in the South! The birds' caws pierced me to the marrow, nearly driving me to madness. A song awoke in my soul more sorrowful than any I ever heard beneath Greenwood's eaves.

Would I never rest in the forest again?


Note: The last line is a reference to Galadriel's message to Legolas: If thou hearest the cry of the gull on the shore, / Thy heart shall then rest in the forest no more." ("The White Rider", The Two Towers) The title of this drabble series comes from the same quote.


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