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Flickers on the Water
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Summary: Sequel to “Regret”. Elros has a question for his foster father, Maglor. Double drabble. 202 words, sans title. Written for the 100-Drabbles-Challenge of Edhellond.


They were sitting in Maglor’s study, just the two of them. Elrond was on the roof, staring towards the Sea longingly as was his wont, as if hoping their father would return one day.

Elros had given up that hope long ago. He did not even want their father back anymore. Maglor had been their father for a long time, giving them all the care and attention Eärendil never had. And Elros was terrified to lose the Elf whom he had come to see as his father.

“Why can you not forget that horrible Oath of yours?” he asked angrily. “It had never brought you aught but sorrow.”

Maglor looked at the youngling whose face was full of anguish and whom he had come to love as a son, and he wished he could forget the Oath. But he knew he could not.

“We cannot go back on our Oath,” he said. “That would exile our fëar into the Everlasting Darkness.”

Elros looked at him, eyes dark and serious.

“And you believe the keeping of your Oath would not?” he riposted, his voice full of sorrow.

At that, Maglor had no answer. He shook his head and they spoke no more.

~The End~

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