An early view of two very influential Eldar.
A shower of dry leaves and grasses falls atop the woodpile, dropped from a maiden’s deft hands. I bring forth sparks, then flame, and a warm smile from the maiden. She calls me Finwë, skilled one. I name her Míriel, for her jewel-bright eyes. New fire kindles between us.
As most Silmarillion readers know, Finwe and Míriel became the parents of Fëanor, the mercurial genius who created the palantír, the Silmarils, and the Kin-strife. Fëanor’s name means Spirit of Fire. Tolkien never stated whether Finwë and Míriel were among the original Elves awakened at Cuiviénen, but he never named their parents, at least not to my knowledge, and Finwe at least was contemporary with the first-created Eldar.
Special thanks to ElenaTiriel of HASA/Henneth-Annun, for researching the meaning of Finwë’s name!
Special thanks to ElenaTiriel of HASA/Henneth-Annun, for researching the meaning of Finwë’s name!