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Isabeau's Drabbles
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F like a Fearful Faramir


A double drabble written for There and Back Again's second B2MEM Month.


“You helped to start this, you can help to finish it,” the Queen of Gondor said, grasping Faramir by the arm to draw him into the chamber where his wife strove to bring their first child into the world. A groan issued from within. The Ranger Captain, hero of countless skirmishes and battles, balked. His eyes, wide and fearful, turned pleadingly to Aragorn.

“You will have to forgive my wife. It is an Elvish custom, Faramir,” the King of Gondor supplied helpfully. “Fathers always stay with their wives when welcoming a new life into the world.”

“But…’tis not our custom!”

“Humor her, will you? There‘s a good fellow!”

Sitting comfortably at the chess table, drink in hand, he looked very pleased not to be in Faramir’s place, and the Steward could tell it. He shot his liege a betrayed look as Arwen shoved him through the door and closed it behind him.

Frowning, she turned to her husband. “I should not be too smug were I you, Estel.” Her hand smoothed the front of her gown over her belly. There was no discernable rise, but she declared, “You will be in Faramir’s situation soon enough.” Aragorn paled, then smiled incredulously.

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