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Shall I Sing?


Written for Garnet Took for her birthday. A song written by Sam.... Thanks so to RiverOtter for the beta.


Shall I Sing?

by Samwise Gamgee
edited by Peregrin Took

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the freedom we’d’ve lost had he yet ten?
Shall I shout aloud the glory of our Lord Iorhael?
Shall I whisper of the pain that he knew then?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the dread grief that he knew when he was young?
For it was then his parents, they were stolen by the river,
And bitter tears he tasted on his tongue.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the purposeful rebellion of his youth?
Shall I sing of mushrooms stolen and then shall I sing of Maggot?
Of the penance made when he at last saw truth?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the joy when he was brought home to Bag End?
There he found at last both a purpose and a home.
And it was there he took Sam Gamgee as his friend.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the sharpness of his wit and of his skill?
Of the sweetness of his singing, of the glory of his dance,
Of the pleasure he found living in the Hill?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the love he found and gave to every other?
Ever to his cousins he freely gave his love unbounded,
And each one found in him a constant brother.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the grief when Bilbo left him one fall day?
As the Master of the Hill he served, and he was always faithful
To the needs of those who lived beneath his sway.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the evil that pursued him and its sting?
Of the will of Sauron that sought ever to corrupt him?
Of the fight to hold his soul against the Ring?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of when Gandalf proved the purpose of his Ring?
Shall I tell you how he saw but one dread path to follow,
To take It back to Mordor for unmaking?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the great love he held always for his own?
He saw indeed the road held not a promise of return,
But he would rather evil take but him alone.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of how he thought to leave without a friend?
Of how they spied upon him and they made plans of their own?
How they planned to bring him back home at the end.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
And of willow and of barrow and of wight?
Of how he saved his fellows and then freed them with a song?
Of how they entered Bree on one dark night?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of a foolish dance and song he gave in Bree?
There he fell, and the Ring, It plotted to betray him,
But then Strider came to help him remain free.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of fleeing behind Strider through the wild?
Of four Hobbits and a Ranger and a pony and the Ring
They trod through woods and marshes, mud defiled.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
And of how he faced the wraiths with but a knife?
Yet although a Morgul shard they left within his shoulder
Still he fought the evil magic for his life.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the struggle to release him from the spell?
Oh the future King and great Elves, they together sought to save him,
And how in the end together made him well!

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers,
And the council where was held a great debate?
And how when t’was decided that the Ring must be destroyed,
It was then that Frodo rose to face his fate.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers,
And of forty days and nights spent on the way?
A Fellowship of nine there were who entered Moria’s door,
But there were only eight who came away.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers,
And the grief he knew at thought of Gandalf’s fall?
The guilt he took unto himself served almost to unman him,
But it strengthened him against the Dark Lord’s call.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers,
And the struggle known with Boromir the Bold?
’Neath Amon Hen the Dark Lord’s Ring tried to betray them both,
But through Frodo’s will on Man It lost Its hold!

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the choice he made to face dread on his own?
But Sam Gamgee, he found him there before he crossed the river,
And so wisely would not let him go alone.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers,
And what he did with Gollum caught and tamed?
Of when once he saw the creature he felt pity and not hate,
And in compassion gave it back its name?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers,
Facing darkness, facing spiders, facing doom?
Though he was forced to let his Sam hold all the hope for both
Yet he forged ever onward through the gloom.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers,
And the moment when at last It took his will?
Samwise, felled by Gollum, watched the battle for the Ring
Until Gollum took It gloating as he fell!

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the greedy fire that sought them at the end?
How he thought then to thank Sméagol for finishing the quest,
And was grateful just to rest now with his friend?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the power of his purpose and his will?
Can Hobbits e’er appreciate all he gave to keep them safe?
Can they honor the wond’rous Master of the Hill?

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
He, the Savior of our Middle Earth?
Loved by Kings and Elves and Men and Dwarves and all that breathe,
But misunderstood by those who knew his birth!

I shall sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers,
I shall tell you of the great deeds he has done!
I shall tell you how the High King on his throne does mourn his loss,
Since he sailed away to find peace on his own.

Shall I sing to you of Frodo of the Nine Fingers?
Of the freedom we’d’ve lost had he yet ten?
Shall I shout aloud the glory of our Lord Iorhael?
Shall I whisper of the pain that he knew then?


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