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A Prince's Wardrobe


17. Bree: gifts and exchanges
Frodo Baggins, Nob


A Prince’s Wardrobe

“Are you certain, Mr. Underhill, sir?”

A sigh. “My real name is Baggins, Nob—Frodo Baggins. And, yes, I am certain. If you can find anyone who can wear these, please pass them on, for I have plenty of clothing at home that is far more appropriate to my station than these.”

Nob held the garments given into his keeping, and rubbed a velvet sleeve between his fingers. The fabrics were rich and rare, and the embroidery on each was exquisite. This one, embroidered with what appeared to be two trees, one with blossoms like sunbursts and the other like crescent moons—how beautiful it was! Suddenly an idea hit him, and he raised wondering eyes to the inn’s guest. “Is this one Elven work, Mr. Baggins?”

Mr. Baggins nodded, “Yes, that one is, and came to me from Greenwood the Great. Most are from Gondor, however. But how am I to be taken seriously doing business in the Shire if I’m wearing clothes that appear to be out of fireside tales?”

At last convinced that Mr. Baggins did indeed mean to get rid of these beautiful garments, Nob returned with them to his own quarters behind the kitchens. There he spent much of the night examining each item, gently rubbing the silks against his face, draping the velvets over his arms, wondering at the fine weaves and patterns, and imagining stories to go with each one.

But just what had happened to Mr. Under—Baggins! that had led to him being given what appeared to be a prince’s wardrobe?

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