Format: Drabble
Genre: General
Rating: General
Warnings: None
Characters: None to speak of
Pairings: None
Summary: It does not take much to spur people's imaginations...
Dwimordene: from old English 'vale of phantoms.' (But I am happy to say that, from the second google listing on, they all reference our very own, talented Dwim! Yay!
It was in the days of Frumgar's father that men of the Éothéod first ventured out of Rhovanion searching for lands away from Mirkwood. Some went East, but many went West, lured by the fantasy of lush vales and grasslands made by the mighty river.
The few who returned said they wandered far upon many leagues, across the river, then to a golden forest.
Then silence. And trembling.
None could be convinced to reveal what had happened there beyond scant words: Pierced... Bare... Great beauty... Quailed... Test... Light...
Never could they be made to take the journey again.
~the end