Rating:All Genre:Tragedy
Chapters: 27 Word Count: 2859
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A series of drabbles that reflect Bilbo's experiences within the Shire. Dedicated to FrodoSweetStuff and Cathleen.
Third Age
Bilbo Baggins, Hobbits
[PF] 01:Adalgrim Took
[PF] 02:Bag End
[PF] 03:Children's Priorities
[PF] 04:Dear Dora
[PF] 05:Echoes
[PF] 06:Fetching Frodo
[PF] 07:Gathering Gladiola
[PF] 08:Helping Hamfast
[PF] 09:Inspiration
[PF] 10:Justice
[PF] 11:Kissing Cousins
[PF] 12:Likin' the Young Master
[PF] 13:Master and Man
[PF] 14:Nightmare
[PF] 15:Officious Otho
[PF] 16:Pesky Pervinca
[PF] 17:Quick Hands
[PF] 18:Ripe Apples
[PF] 19:Samwise
[PF] 20:The Traitorous Truant
[PF] 21:Umbrellas
[PF] 22:Visiting with the Violets
[PF] 23:Writing Wills
[PF] 24:X Marks the Spot
[PF] 25:Yesterday
[PF] 26:Zest
[PF] 27:An Encore--Some Day