Rating:Teens Genre:General
Chapters: 34 Word Count: 74651
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Part 1: House of Swans Series. A story of the life Finduilas experienced in Minas Tirith during her marriage to Lord Denethor. Her fears, her dreams and those she loved. A woman truly caged. Set in Finduilas' Point of View. BOOK-VERSE/PRE-WOTR
Third Age
Boromir son of Denethor II, Denethor II, Faramir son of Denethor II, Finduilas of Dol Amroth, Imrahil
[PF] 01:The Wedding
[PF] 02:A New Life A New Insight
[PF] 03:A Visitor for the Citadel
[PF] 04:Sweet Little Voronda
[PF] 05:Realisation
[PF] 06:The Healer of Osgiliath
[PF] 07:Denethor's Plans
[PF] 08:Lossarnach
[PF] 09:Mishaps to Pelargir
[PF] 10:A Story and a Plan
[PF] 11:Linhir
[PF] 12:A Sweating Plague
[PF] 13:Captain Thorongil
[PF] 14:Finding Comfort
[PF] 15:A Lost Love
[PF] 16:Trying to Find Peace and Quiet
[PF] 17:What the Future will Bring
[PF] 18:Apricot and Letters from Dol Amroth
[PF] 19:An Heir is Born
[PF] 20:Fear and Doubts
[PF] 21:The Horrible Waiting Game
[PF] 22:A Reunion with Agoron
[PF] 23:A Sudden Death
[PF] 24:Thoughts of a Princess
[PF] 25:The Brewing of Something that May Come
[PF] 26:The Coming
[PF] 27:Unwanted Occurances
[PF] 28:Fears of a Princess
[PF] 29:High Hopes
[PF] 30:A New Son
[PF] 31:The Start Of A New Reign
[PF] 32:Hopes That Become Shattered
[PF] 33:The End of a Story
[PF] 34:Epilogue