Rating:Teens Genre:Poetry
Chapters: 5 Word Count: 531
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A series of drabbles, situated in my alternate universe, where Boromir does not die at Parth Galen but lives out his life on Elladan’s side as the co-regent of the Reunited Kingdom.
Most of these drabbles feature Elladan and/or Boromir, save a few where their relationship is reflected upon by other characters. I am afraid I never managed to keep the exact number of 100 words but tried to remain as close as possible.
Third Age
Boromir son of Denethor II, Elladan, Galadriel
[PF] 1:Under the Evening Star
[PF] 2:Mirror Images
[PF] 3:Taking Rest
[PF] 4:Dawn
[PF] 5:Cold Fire