Rating:Teens Genre:General
Chapters: 101 Word Count: 422470
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He thought the sacrifice had been consummated--but he found he was mistaken. How, then would it become acceptable? Now complete.
Fourth Age
Aragorn II 'Strider' Elessar, Arwen Evenstar, Celeborn - Elf, Eglantine Banks, Elanor Gardner, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, Éomer Éadig, Éowyn, Erestor, Esmeralda Took, Esmeralda Took, Faramir son of Denethor II, Folco Boffin, Fredegar 'Fatty' Bolger, Frodo Baggins, Galadriel, Gandalf, Gildor Inglorion, Gríma Wormtongue, Gwaihir, Hamfast ‘Gaffer’ Gamgee, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins, Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Meriadoc 'Merry' Brandybuck, Paladin Took II, Peregrin 'Pippin' Took I, Rose Cotton, Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee, Saradoc Brandybuck, Saruman, Treebeard, Will Whitfoot
[PF] 001:1: Unconsummated
[PF] 002:2: Honored
[PF] 003:3: Feast Not Enjoyed
[PF] 004:4: Who for Ringbearer
[PF] 005:5: Survivors' Tales
[PF] 006:6: The King Comforts
[PF] 007:7: Rainy Night in Ithilien
[PF] 008:8: Wakening Hope
[PF] 009:9: The Minstrel of Gondor
[PF] 010:10: Guilt Assumed
[PF] 011:11: Before the Wind
[PF] 012:12: Camp on the Pelennor
[PF] 013:13: Party of Princes, and a King Made
[PF] 014:14: The King's Procession
[PF] 015:15: First Audience
[PF] 016:16: Preparing Accommodations
[PF] 017:17: Royal Apartments
[PF] 018:18: Amending the Rolls of the King
[PF] 019:19: A Fresh Wind in the Citadel
[PF] 020:20: Seating Arrangements
[PF] 021:21: Robing
[PF] 022:22: Guests at the Feast
[PF] 023:23: Circle of Light
[PF] 024:24: Seeking Intelligence
[PF] 025:25: Honoring Service
[PF] 026:26: Searching for Answers
[PF] 027:27: Halargil of the Guard of the Citadel
[PF] 028:28: On Lordship and Lands
[PF] 029:29: Assumption and Innuendo
[PF] 030:30: Mushrooms and Vengeance
[PF] 031:31: Aftermath
[PF] 032:32: Incarceration
[PF] 033:33: Embassies from Rhovanion
[PF] 034:34: Audience with Umbar
[PF] 035:35: Justice toward Umbar
[PF] 036:36: Finding Harmony
[PF] 037:37: The King's Gift
[PF] 038:38: Honors and Judgement
[PF] 039:39: Spider Bite
[PF] 040:40: Traversing the Circles
[PF] 041:41: Night Summons
[PF] 042:42: Visions of the Shire
[PF] 043:43: The King's Hope
[PF] 044:44: Glory out of Ashes
[PF] 045:45: A New Birth
[PF] 046:46: Bathing in Strawberries and Cream
[PF] 047:47: Horror Relieved
[PF] 048:48: "I Have Found It!"
[PF] 049:49: Hope Approaches
[PF] 050:50: The Bride Cometh
[PF] 051:51: The King's Wedding
[PF] 052:52: Wedding Guest
[PF] 053:53: The Grace Requested
[PF] 054:54: Preparing to Return Home
[PF] 055:55: Petition Affirmed
[PF] 056:56: To Edoras
[PF] 057:57: Farewell to the Southlands
[PF] 058:58: The Road North
[PF] 059:59: Mayor's Wife
[PF] 060:60: Mina's Menfolk
[PF] 061:61: Brandybuck Lawyer
[PF] 062:62: Meetings with Rangers
[PF] 063:63: Grace Offered
[PF] 064:64: First Hints
[PF] 065:65: The King's Lineage
[PF] 066:66: A Conspiracy Stripped
[PF] 067:67: Family Heads
[PF] 068:68: Where Among Women...?
[PF] 069:69: Lobelia Remembers
[PF] 070:70: What Iluvatar Has Wrought
[PF] 071:71: Bag End Returned
[PF] 072:72: A Lord's More Joyful Duties
[PF] 073:73: Yule Gift
[PF] 074:74: A Mother's Love
[PF] 075:75: Wrongs Righted
[PF] 076:76: A Dwarf's Touch, and Shadows
[PF] 077:77: Lobelia's Redemption
[PF] 078:78: Interpreting Pictures
[PF] 079:79: Restoration
[PF] 080:80: Birthday Gifts
[PF] 081:81: Shire Wedding
[PF] 082:82: Love Not Accepted
[PF] 083:83: Hidden Scars
[PF] 084:84: Encounters
[PF] 085:85: Midsummer Elections
[PF] 086:86: Frodo Enthroned
[PF] 087:87: Too Long and Too Deep
[PF] 088:88: Time Granted
[PF] 089:89: Light of Stars
[PF] 090:90: Birth Come, Death Contemplated
[PF] 091:91: Fading
[PF] 092:92: Challenging Thain and Lady
[PF] 093:93: "Real Elvish Rope"
[PF] 094:94: Travelers' Honor
[PF] 095:95: Plans Set in Motion
[PF] 096:96: Riding of Elves and King
[PF] 097:97: Illusions Shattered
[PF] 098:98: Heart Torn
[PF] 099:99: Life's Story and Summoning
[PF] 100:100: Offering Accepted
[PF] 101:Author's Notes