Rating:Teens Genre:General
Chapters: 6 Word Count: 29654
Reviews:6 Post A Review Read Latest Review
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Aka: "How Elfhelm Went to Rhûn, Saved the Day and Got the Girl". Isabeau said that the subtitle is as good as a summary, and since this is the exact tale you will be told here, I kept it. *g*
Third Age
Aragorn II 'Strider' Elessar, Elfhelm, Éomer Éadig, Éowyn, Erkenbrand, Legolas Greenleaf, Original Female Character - OFC, Original Male Character - OMC, Théoden, Théodred
[PF] 1:Introduction
[PF] 2:Chapter 1 - The High Symbel
[PF] 3:Chapter 2 - The Quest
[PF] 4:Chapter 3 - The Huntsman
[PF] 5:Chapter 4 - The Young Lord
[PF] 6:The Courtyard of Nimwarkinh