Rating:All Genre:General
Chapters: 10 Word Count: 10009
Reviews:1 Post A Review Read Latest Review
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Love is in the air - whether you want it or not. Luckily, Tolkien provides
us with many couples whose stories include at least as much drama as they do
romance: Beren and Luthien, Aragorn and Arwen, Celeborn and Galadriel, Turin
and Nineor - just to name a few.
So how about an antidote for all that Valentine's Day commercialism? Write a
story, drabble, or poem about any Tolkien romance you can dream up. You can
use one of his canonical relationships, or feel free to make up a new one
yourself. Just make it more bitter-sweet than sweet.
If you want your story to be included in this collection, please mail it to: juno UNDERSCORE magic AT magic DOT ms
[PF] 01:'Faint Heart Never Won Fair Lady' by Marta
[PF] 02:'Secrets' by Gandalfs apprentice
[PF] 03:'Legolas' Wonderous Love' by Gronyats
[PF] 04:'A Boy and His Lob' by Ignoblebard
[PF] 05:' Fading Embers ' by Raksha-the-Demon
[PF] 06:'Measures of Time' by Raksha-the-Demon
[PF] 07:'Aftermaths and Consequences' by Gwynnyd
[PF] 08:'The Price of Love' by Isil Elensar
[PF] 09:'Darkening Days' by Linda Hoyland
[PF] 10:'Merry’s Wedding' by Larner