Rating:All Genre:General
Chapters: 15 Word Count: 11846
Reviews:17 Post A Review Read Latest Review
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Fifteen stories for Back To Middle-earth Month 2009. Prompts and individual summaries listed at the head of each chapter.
Latest chapter addition: chapter 12: "River of Dreams."
Thanks to Dawn Felagund, Oshun, Rhapsody, and all the others who ran the challenge.
Third Age
Aragorn II 'Strider' Elessar, Elrond, Éomer Éadig, Éowyn, Faramir son of Denethor II, Gandalf, Halbarad, Háma, Imrahil, Nienna, Orcs, Original Female Character - OFC, Original Male Character - OMC, Samwise 'Sam' Gamgee
[PF] 01:The Coming of Fire
[PF] 02:All She Wants To Do Is Dance
[PF] 03:Counting Costs
[PF] 04:Amends
[PF] 05:Beyond the Pale
[PF] 06:Fair-weather Friends
[PF] 07:Strange Gifts
[PF] 08:Irredeemable
[PF] 09:Advice
[PF] 10:The Horn of the Kine
[PF] 11:Sacrifice
[PF] 12:River of Dreams
[PF] 13:In the Dark
[PF] 14:Become What You Are
[PF] 15:In a Handful of Dust