Tolkien Fan Fiction Home Art/Tolkien Fan Fiction All the tales of the Valar and the Elves are so knit together that one may scarce expound any one without needing to set forth the whole of their great history.
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New and Updated Stories

Desolate Land of Horror Drama Rated:Teens
The horrifying lands around The Black Gate, seen through the eyes of a Gondorian civilian who joined the final quest against Sauron.
Chapters:1 Words:486 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 11,2024

The Last Visit to Moria General Rated:Teens
A year after The War of the Ring, Gimli visits Moria one last time to fulfil one important task.
Chapters:1 Words:2137 Reviews:0
Updated:Feb 4,2024

Where the Stars are F***ing Strange Humor Rated:Adults Graphic
Plucked like a fish out of water, you try to make the best out of a bad situation in Bree. Then, one day, this Hozier-looking dude showed up at The Pony.

Aragorn/OC; gender neutral OC; 25th Gray Companion; Copious references to The Princess Bride; fish out of water; friends to lovers, slow burn.
Warnings: Tolkien levels of violence and xenophobia; sexualized violence; alcohol use; so so much swearing; feral chickens
Chapters:26 Words:129461 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 17,2022

The Lady That Dies Not General Rated:All
What did she say to you, the Lady That Dies Not? Faramir and Galadriel in Minas Tirith.
Chapters:1 Words:516 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 21,2018

What We Leave Behind General Rated:Teens
The New Year is here. What will it bring?
Chapters:2 Words:2893 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 10,2018

Serving Gondor Action Rated:All
A widow from southern Lebennin has come to the White City after being dispossessed by her brother of her home and livelihood. Can she again find a place and purpose? Can she find justice?
Chapters:6 Words:37614 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Sep 24,2017

Reforging General Rated:All
This story, like "Old Accounts Coming Due," is related to my novel, Marpol the Builder. It takes place just before Chapter 10, "Wayfarer's Sword."
Chapters:1 Words:2767 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 26,2017

Old Accounts Coming Due General Rated:All
A story spanning part of the Third Age, involving a Trust, a pair of Elves, two families, and many changes. The last part of this takes place just prior to Chapter 7, "A Sigil & a House," in my novel, Marpol the Builder.
Chapters:1 Words:6109 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 20,2017

Coerced General Rated:All
A Shire lawyer finds himself in conversation with the deputy Mayor. In keeping with my own version of Frodo's duties during this time. (See The Ties of Family and The Acceptable Sacrifice.
Chapters:1 Words:1541 Reviews:0
Updated:Apr 13,2016

Forgiven General Rated:All
Before he left Middle Earth, Frodo Baggins had one hurt left he wished to see healed, so he summoned the Thain and his Lady to Bag End for one final dinner.
Chapters:1 Words:2396 Reviews:1  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 19,2016
Latest News

The Forum Is Open or We Have A Forum?
July 3,2023

I know it took as lot longer than I expected. Read the newsletter for the rest of the story.


The Rings Of Power
The Return Of The Forum
August 30,2022

The TFF Forum is almost finished, and should be open for discussions soon.


The Author Section Is Open
January 25,2022

The author section of this site is back and open for posting new stories.

[Read Older News Articles]
Three Random Stories

Glimpses of Middle-earth General Rated:All Serial
Author:Linda Hoyland
A selection of very diverse drabbles and short pieces written for the
2012 BTME challenge.
Chapters:4 Words:5808 Reviews:0
Updated:Oct 20,2013

The Witch-King's Cloak Erotica Rated:All
A tongue-in-cheek look at the Witch-king's reaction after his encounter with Aragorn at Weathertop.
Chapters:1 Words:349 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Nov 6,2006

Goldberry's Song Non Fiction Rated:All
The smitten River-daughter tries to get a rhyme in edgewise.
Chapters:1 Words:422 Reviews:2  Read Latest Review
Updated:Sep 11,2004
New and Updated Serials

Tree and Stone General Rated:Teens Serial
Middle-Earth belongs to JRR Tolkien; he just didn't write enough about it!

There was another Dwarf in Gondor during the waning days of the Ring War, and he was the only one of his Kindred in the White City during the siege, where he met a woman whose roots were in Ithilien.
Chapters:40 Words:195346 Reviews:6  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 3,2018

From Wilderness to Cities White General Rated:Teens Serial
A new collection of stories involving the Fellowship and the world they knew.
Chapters:62 Words:98557 Reviews:9  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 20,2018

Marpol the Builder General Rated:All Serial
Arnor and Gondor--two long-sundered realms. What do you do first in bringing them together so they can truly be called the Reunited Realm?
Chapters:30 Words:156122 Reviews:10  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jan 15,2018

Between Green Door and Gold Ring General Rated:Teens Serial
To be a repository of Bilbo-centered stories set in the years before Frodo came to Hobbiton to become the heir to the Master of Bag End.
Chapters:26 Words:31090 Reviews:3  Read Latest Review
Updated:Jul 9,2016

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