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The warm sequel of “White Blanket”.


Title: Surprise 1/2
Author: Sivan Shemesh
Beta: nautika
Rate: K
Warning: Tissues in need, but nothing more, I think.
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Tolkien, I just borrowed them.
Spoiler: AU.
Summary: Estel felt that his adar had left him, and he get his surprise, and he found that he is not alone.
Note: Estel first year at Peredhil's house in Imladris.
The warm sequel of “White Blanket”.
Note2: Written for Mellyn "Cooking" Contest.




Elrond was busy in the kitchen making sure that he had all the supplies for making the twins’s birthday cake. He was so busy that he even forgot to wake Estel.


Estel woke and was surprised to see the sun in the middle of the sky, as he wondered why his adar had not awakened him.

Estel went to search for his adar, a little fearful that his new adar left him the same as his first naneth and adar.

“A-da?” Estel called in fear as he went from room to room, but he did not hear his adar’s voice, or even see him.

Estel could feel his legs grow numb, as he lost the feeling in them, and then he collapsed on the floor, lowered his head in his hands and cried.

Arwen heard from her room, the boy’s cry, and went outside. It came from the Hallway.

Arwen did not know why the boy cried, but the way that he cried tore her heart in two, and she hurried over to Estel’s side, and held him close.

“Estel, why are you crying? What is wrong?” Arwen asked as she embraced the boy, while he continued to cry on her shoulders.

“Ada left me…” Estel cried.

“Ada did not left you, he might busy…” Arwen tried to comfort him.

“He left me…” Estel kept crying on Arwen’s shoulders.

“He did not leave you… come… let’s find him together…” Arwen suggested and pulled Estel out of her embrace, and held his hand tight.

Arwen went from door to door with Estel, and every door she opened she heard Estel’s words, which seemed to her to be filled with despair, “He is not inside…”

Arwen looked in the hallway, and noticed that she and Estel had only looked that way, and they had not searched other places.

Arwen decided to walk over the kitchen, and smiled as she noticed her father.

Arwen knelt next to the boy, and pointed to her adar, and said, “There he is Estel, see, he did not leave you…”

Before she could finish speaking her last words, she could see her adar turning and she hugged Estel, and then she left back over her room, with a smile on her face.

“ADA…” Estel ran to his adar, and hugged him tight.

Elrond knelt by his son, and hugged him back, and then he kissed his cheek and said how much he loved him.

Elrond could hear the boy whining, and asked softly, “Why are you crying, ion?” and moved his hand to rub his son’s back.

“I… I thought that you left me ada…” Estel cried, and kept holding his adar.

“I am here. Ion… you know that I will not leave you…” Elrond comforted his son, and smiled against his cheek and kept saying how much he loved him.

“What… what are you doing in the kitchen?” Estel sobbed, and looked into his adar’s eyes.

Elrond wiped the tears away, and answered, “I am cooking, making good things.”

“Like what, ada?” Estel asked curiously.

“That will remain a secret…” Elrond teased, and continue to stir, as Estel could smell the sweetness that flew inside.

“Can I taste it?” Estel asked and licked his lips, as though he could not wait to eat it.

Elrond poured some into a spoon, made certain that it was not too hot, and then gave it to Estel.

By seeing Estel how looked, Elrond’s face lightened with happiness, as he figured that he succeeded and it was ready.

“Do you like it?” Elrond asked.

Estel nodded, and wished that his Adar would give him another spoonful.

“Do you want more?” Elrond asked, as he noticed Estel licking the spoon.

“Can I? Can I?” Estel asked in excitement.

“Have I ever said ‘no’ to you, ion?” Elrond grinned at his son.

Estel smiled at his Adar, and took another taste.

“Good, now call the Peredhil.” Elrond said.

“But ada, you are the Peredhil.” Estel pointed out.

“I meant the other Peredhil’s…” Elrond smirked at his son.


Estel ran to find his brothers. He found Arwen with no problem, but he had some problems in finding the twins.

“Where are the twins?” Estel asked Arwen.

“Have you searched outside?” Arwen suggested.

Estel went outside, only to get a snowball in the face, and said, “I forgot it… you should have warned me…”

“Hey look it’s Estel… oops…” Elrohir said, as he wanted to apologized to his younger brother.

“Father called you inside…” Estel said, and wiped the remaining snow from his face.

"What is it, young one?" Elladan asked, as he threw the snowball at Arwen and grinned at his twin.

"Ada is in the kitchen, and he told me to call you all." Estel answered, and grabbed a snowball to throw it to get even with Elrohir.

"Do you know why? We are kind of busy now, as you can see..." Elrohir grinned and threw a snowball at Estel before Estel could throw one at him.

"Hey?" Estel called, as he added, "That is not fair!”

"I do not think that he loved that, gwador..." Elladan smirked at his brother.

Elrohir grinned back at his twin, and said nothing.

"What is father doing in the kitchen?" Elladan asked, and threw another snowball at Arwen.

“I do not know, but he let me taste, and it was yummy…” Estel said.

“Adar cooks?” The Peredhil’s asked as one, though Estel thought they looked quite surprised.

Estel nodded.

“What did he cook?” Elladan asked.

End of Chapter 1.

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