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Dramatis Personae: The I at the Center of the World


Day 1: Card: The Fool.


Dramatis Personae: The I At the Center of the World

The world greenly cups a comfortable life: a great, gay girth that gives him place and name and substance: Fatty.

Her life is a dance through birchwood and breeze, stars swirling overhead, 'til one day, Dawnbreak strikes her still – Lúthien.

Hardbottle is a hard land that sharpens tongues, puts stones in souls. Lobelia feels their sate-less shifting and envies...

He rose resplendent, consubstantial Flame, bright with promise, blind with pride – thus into darkness fell this star, beloved of Ilúvatar.

Earth, Air, Fire, Water – and Spirit their abiding fifth, for all who are play the fool: all believe they're righteous.



1."Thus into darkness fell this star" - modified "The Fall of Gil-Galad."

2. "All who are play the fool: all believe they're righteous" - Joss Whedon attributes this to William Dafoe (well, slightly differently phrased) by way of explaining that every character believes he is the hero of the story.


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