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First Freedom


Day 3: Card: The High Priestess


Before Sunbirth, named Melian
her daunting daughter "Lúthien,"
and tongue she bound for better days:
Maternal power sleeping lay.

But with the seasoning of trees
Her mother's power, in waking dreams,
In Lúthien, lying prisoner, stirs
and to her urgent labor spurs.

For although queenly set, enthroned
`twixt black pillars and whitestone,
Melian dreams, thoroughfares,
catches cries – Beren's despair –
dreams them in daughter's mind,
bridled by paternal bind.

Thus when wine, water and wheel come,
Lúthien blesses every one:
"From Melian", who long ago
suffered lovèd lover's throes –
teacher of this heart-lived life,
that sendeth forth to toil and strife…



1. This drabble is based mostly on the Lay of Leithian as presented in "The Lays of Beleriand," rather than the "Silmarillion."

2. "Before Sunbirth, named Melian
her daunting daughter "Lúthien,"
and tongue she bound for better days:
Maternal power sleeping lay."

Dwim shamelessly references her own drabble: Innocence

3. "catches cries - Beren's despair -
dreams them in her daughter's mind"

From the Lay of Leithian:
"... And one night
just ere the changing of the light
a dream there came, from the Gods, maybe,
or Melian's magic. She dreamed that she
heard Beren's voice o'er hill and fell
'Tinuviel' call, 'Tinuviel.'"


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